Calvary Chapel Life Groups help fulfill one of the core areas of our DISCIPLESHIP BLUEPRINT: SHARE LIFE. These are Christ-centered groups that exist to bring people together regularly for encouragement, spiritual growth and fellowship in a non-threatening setting that complements the weekly gathering of the whole congregation.
Check out the available groups below and determine which group may be the best fit for you! Please contact the group's host to let them know you're interested in joining or to get more information.
Don't see a good fit? Check back as groups are added periodically as new groups are started. Or, prayerfully consider starting your own group. If you are interested in leading a Life Group click the link below and fill out the "I Want to Serve" form.
If you have questions contact the Church Office via phone (307-635-2977) or email.
Check out the available groups below and determine which group may be the best fit for you! Please contact the group's host to let them know you're interested in joining or to get more information.
Don't see a good fit? Check back as groups are added periodically as new groups are started. Or, prayerfully consider starting your own group. If you are interested in leading a Life Group click the link below and fill out the "I Want to Serve" form.
If you have questions contact the Church Office via phone (307-635-2977) or email.
Current Life Groups
Please contact the group's host to let them know you're interested in joining or to get more information.
Women's Inductive Bible Study
Purpose: This is a Women's Inductive Bible Study in which this Life Group meets to study the Bible and share what they've learned through God's Word. It's also a time of prayer and relationship building. Childcare is not available at this time.
When: Thursdays, 1:30 pm
Location: Calvary Chapel Classroom 5
Hosts: Monica Mallon
More Info: 307-214-7926 (Monica)
When: Thursdays, 1:30 pm
Location: Calvary Chapel Classroom 5
Hosts: Monica Mallon
More Info: 307-214-7926 (Monica)
Calvary Crafters
Purpose: We get together to fellowship and craft together -- two things we love to do! Please bring your own crafts and supplies. All ages and seasons of life welcome!
When: Meets monthly on the third Tuesday of every month, 1:00-3:00pm
Location: South Cheyenne
Host: Mary Beth Schmidt
More Info: 307-214-6293
When: Meets monthly on the third Tuesday of every month, 1:00-3:00pm
Location: South Cheyenne
Host: Mary Beth Schmidt
More Info: 307-214-6293
Single Adults Over Age 55
Purpose: This small group is designed to provide Christian companionship for single adults over age 55. They plan to meet twice per month -- one session would be a Bible study; the second session would be a social outing like dinner, a movie, concerts, etc. This is not a dating group.
When: First and third Mondays at 4:30 pm
Location: North Cheyenne
Hosts: Robin Walters
When: First and third Mondays at 4:30 pm
Location: North Cheyenne
Hosts: Robin Walters
Ray & Cindy Hallett's Life Group
Purpose: This is a small group open to people of mixed ages. The focus of this group is based on Acts 2:42 -- to build relationships, to pray for each other, and to discuss God's Word as presented in the weekly sermons. Dinner and fellowship start at 6:00pm, followed by a time of prayer, worship, and discussion from 7:00-8:00pm. No childcare provided, but children are welcome to attend with parents.
When: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 6:00-8:00pm
Location: East Cheyenne
Hosts: Ray & Cindy Hallett
More Info: 307-630-3253
When: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 6:00-8:00pm
Location: East Cheyenne
Hosts: Ray & Cindy Hallett
More Info: 307-630-3253
Jim & Diane Honn's Life Group
Purpose: This is a small group open to people of mixed ages which focuses on discussing God's Word. Specifically, we go over the chapter that will be taught the next Sunday from the current teaching series. All ages and seasons of life welcome (no childcare provided at this time).
When: Meets weekly on Tuesdays, 7:00pm
Location: East Cheyenne
Hosts: Jim & Diane Honn
More Info: 307-477-1955 or 307-388-2663
When: Meets weekly on Tuesdays, 7:00pm
Location: East Cheyenne
Hosts: Jim & Diane Honn
More Info: 307-477-1955 or 307-388-2663
Kim Small's Life Group for Women
Purpose: We get together as a group of ladies and enjoy a meal, fellowship, and prayer. We also spend time hanging out and encouraging one another. All ages and seasons of life welcome!
When: Meets first Monday of the month, 6:30-8:00pm. If interested in attending, please contact host one week prior.
Location: West Cheyenne
Host: Kim Small
More Info: 307-631-7074
When: Meets first Monday of the month, 6:30-8:00pm. If interested in attending, please contact host one week prior.
Location: West Cheyenne
Host: Kim Small
More Info: 307-631-7074
Senior Citizen Group
Purpose: To assist, support, and encourage one other as we grow in Christ as senior citizens. The focus is building relationships, serving others, and sharing life. We spend time in prayer, devotions, fellowship, and fun. Ultimately, we seek direction and guidance from God's Word. This is not an in-depth class taught by the hosts, but rather a group gathering that encourages participation by all present. For seniors (60 years young and up).
When: Meets 4th Tuesday of the month, 6:30-8:00pm
Location: East Cheyenne
Hosts: John & Sherrie Sundin 
More Info: 307-421-6927 (Sherrie)
When: Meets 4th Tuesday of the month, 6:30-8:00pm
Location: East Cheyenne
Hosts: John & Sherrie Sundin 
More Info: 307-421-6927 (Sherrie)
30's & 40's Singles
Purpose: This small group desires to glorify God in our singleness. This Life Group will build community with other singles in the church, to encourage one another, pray together, worship together, and love God together.
When: Meets last Friday of the month
Location: Jessica Jones' home
Hosts: Jessica Jones
More Info: 303-552-8647 (call or text)
When: Meets last Friday of the month
Location: Jessica Jones' home
Hosts: Jessica Jones
More Info: 303-552-8647 (call or text)
Ladies Night Out
Purpose: This Life Group desires to build community and connection among women through a monthly dinner outing. Open to gals over the age of 18, and no childcare is provided. Host requests your RSVP by the Wednesday before that month's Ladies Night Out.
When: Meets last Friday of the month
Location: A different restaurant each month
Host: Kessid Cavanaugh
More Info: Contact host to RSVP and for this month's meeting location
When: Meets last Friday of the month
Location: A different restaurant each month
Host: Kessid Cavanaugh
More Info: Contact host to RSVP and for this month's meeting location
Men's Life Group
Purpose: This is a small group open to men. The group discusses the Bible chapter taught the previous Sunday and spends time on personal accountability and working through things they have going on in their lives.
When: Mondays, 6:00-8:00pm
Location: Calvary Chapel Annex
Host: Ian Lohnes
When: Mondays, 6:00-8:00pm
Location: Calvary Chapel Annex
Host: Ian Lohnes
Prayer Time
Purpose: Each week, a dedicated group of believers gather for intercessory prayer, the catalyst and power house to the ministry of Calvary Chapel. As the Spirit leads, the scope of the prayer meeting expands beyond the specific ministry of Calvary Chapel and encompasses virtually every aspect of the world we live in. No experience is necessary, just a heart for prayer and a desire to see God move through the requests of His people.
When: Sundays, 6:00-7:15pm.
Location: Calvary Chapel Classroom 3
Host: John Sundin
More Info: 307-635-2977
When: Sundays, 6:00-7:15pm.
Location: Calvary Chapel Classroom 3
Host: John Sundin
More Info: 307-635-2977
Roarin' 20s - Young Adults
Purpose: This a young adults group geared for those in early adulthood (typically ages 18-29). This group is great for like-minded people in a similar phase of life to gather together to seek God and for encouragement in their faith. A few leaders attend to help with discipling the group.
When: First and third Mondays, 6:00pm
Location: Bordewyk's home
Hosts: Cody & Leigh-Anne Bordewyk
More Info: 307-703-4201 (Cody)
When: First and third Mondays, 6:00pm
Location: Bordewyk's home
Hosts: Cody & Leigh-Anne Bordewyk
More Info: 307-703-4201 (Cody)